Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday, September 30 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Read 20 Min
2. Reading Journal Entry due Monday, Oct 3
3. Grammar due Monday Oct 3

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 2 test Wednesday, Oct 5

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to be doing reader's and writer's WS and Time for Kids.

Please Bring:
1. Book
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friday Sept 30--- Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to finish our Act-it-Outs for chapter 2.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Spiral NB
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, Sept 28 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Pages Due October 3----Monday
2. Writing SM or Sticky Notes Due Friday, Sept 30

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 2 Test on Wednesday Oct 5

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do Reader's/Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Book
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder
5. Planner

Good Morning Continued....

This morning for social studies, we are going to finish chapter 2, check your work and discuss the reading.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder
5. Spiral NB

Good Morning!

This morning for Science/ Literacy class, we will work on wrapping up our research.

Please Bring:
1. Bee Notes

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday---September 28

There is no homework tonight or tomorrow night for language arts or social studies. Have Fun!

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for classs, we are taking the district fall writing assessment.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. Planner

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 2.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Spiral NB
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

tuesday, September 27--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar due Monday October 3
2. Nightly Reading (20) min

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms and definitions-- due Wed 9/28 ---- Migration, Migrate, Origin Story, Adapt, Adaptation, Environment, Kiva, pictograph,environment and natural resource
2. ISN Page 10 due Tomorrow, Wed. Sept 28

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing a combo of Reader's and Writer's WS in 6th grade and we will be doing Writing WS only for 5th.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil
5. Planner

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 2.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 26 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Choose to do one of the following:

Writer’s ----- Use your stamina to write a collection of small moments---- or you can work on one that you have not finished. Write two pages total. due tomorrow--Tuesday, Sept 27


Reader’s---- Read, using your stamina---- then complete 6 sticky notes ---2X t2t, 2x t2s, 2 t2w due tomorrow---Tues. September 27

2. Work on grammar packet 5th pages 16-20, 6th whole packet--- Due Monday, Oct 3

Social Studies:
1. None

1. River Rouge Permission Slip signature and $ due Wednesday, Sept 28

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do grammar and Writer's or Reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Novel
3. WS Folder
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning Continues.....

We will do reader's or writer's WS. Today you get to choose between the two, or you can choose to budget both into your time during class. The focus is going to be on reading and writing STAMINA. More info to follow:-)

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Your book
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 26--- Good Morning!

This morning for LA/Science integration, we are going to be continueing to work on our DPC Bee Challenge.

Please Bring:
1. You notebook with research notes.
2. Writing Utensil

Friday, September 23, 2011

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, I will start by reading Crash aloud. Next, we will do reader's or writer's WS. Today you get to choose between the two, or you can choose to budget both into your time during class. The focus is going to be on reading and writing STAMINA. More info to follow:-)

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Binder
4. Planner
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to check the assessment, check in the last of the chapter 1 ISN pages, and begin chapter 2.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 22--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. 20 Minutes of Reading
2. Criterion ---Beautiful Place Essay due Monday, September 26

Social Studies:
1. Practice Assessment Chapter 1 due Tomorrow, Sept 23

1. Movie and Tech form signature if not handed in---- you can pring it on the Wiki
2. Rouge River Permission slip and Monay due September 27

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon language arts, we are still in assessment mode. This time we will be doing a writing assessment on Criterion. I will teach you about how to log in, what Criterion is and why is is an effective way to assess your writing skills.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Planner

Good Morning Continues.....

This morning for social studies, we are going to check our ISN Pages and finish the questions for further reading. It time permits, we will start Chapter 2

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for LA/Science integration, we will continue to research.

Please Bring:
1. Bee Notes
2. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, Sept 21 homework

Language Arts:
1. 20 Minutes of Reading

Social Studies
1. ISN Pages 6, 7, & 8 due tomorrow---Thursday, Sept 22

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you will be taking a practice reading MEAP. This is the only MEAP review we will be doing. It is a district requirement, so it needs to be taken seriously. If you finsih early, you can read your book.

Please Bring:
1. A silent reading book
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This mornig for social studies we are going to finish chapter one.

Please Bring:
1. SS Text
2. ISN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20---Homework

Language Arts:
1. 20 Min of Reading

Social Studies:
1. Mapping Lab

1. Tech and PG Movie Signature

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to the library, for reader's WS, then we are going to be doing writer's WS.

PLease Bring:
1. WN
2. Novel
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we will check the mapping lab due today and continue with chapter 1.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Read for 20 Minutes

Social Studies:
1. Mapping Lab due Tuesday, Sept 20

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we will be checking the grammar packet due today. We will also be doing reader's WS. I also need to check in your journal entry.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Grammar Packet and word study folder
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are going to be working on the bee Challenge.

Please Bring:
Bee Notes
Writing Utensil

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16--Homework

Language Arts:
Grammar Pages Due Monday, Sept 19

Social Studies:
1. Mapping Lab due Tuesday, Sept. 20

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for Constitution Day, we are going to watch a video and complete an assignment.

Please Bring:
1. Binder
2. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be finishing the mapping lab.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utnensil
5. Colored Pencils

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15 ----Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Pages due Monday, September 19
2. Reading Journal Entry #1 due Friday, Sept 16

Social Studies:
1. Finish Geo Terms if not already comepleted---- Due Friday, Sept 16

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be reading and completeing a response to the reading in your WN. We are also writing a letter for your parents tonight. Lastly, we aill be writing another small moment.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to finish the mapping lab.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. Binder with spiral NB and Geo Terms
3. SS Text

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Bring Completed sticky notes tomorrow ---6th ==6 and 5th==3

Social Studies:
1. None

Remember curriculum night tomorrow night at 6pm for parents only

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to begin class with Writer's WS and end with reader's WS if time permits.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book with the required sticky notes that are due today. 6 for 6th graders and 3 for the 5th.

2. WN

3. Binder

4. Writing Utensil


Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are doing a mapping lab.

Please Bring:
1. Geo terms that are due today
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Colored pencils
5. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13---Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th only---6 Sticky Notes--- 1=T2T, 2=T2W, 3=T2S due tommorrow Wed. Sept. 14
2. 5th Only---3 Sticky Notes----1=T2T, 1=T2W, 1=T2S due Thurs. Sept. 15
3. Tips for success signature due tomorrow, Sept. 14

Social Studies:
1. 9 Geo Term definitions due tomorrow--- Sept. 14

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing reader's and writer's workshop. We are going to be going to the library for book check out, then come back and begin reader's WS. Then we will transition from there into Writer's WS. I am also going to be checking in youe WN covers.

Please Bring:
1. Decorated WN Cover
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 1.

Please Bring:
1. SS Textbook
2. ISN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, September 12 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Pages (first five) due Monday, September 19
2. Tips for a successful year signature due Wednesday, Sept. 14
3. If not already turned in... Summer Packet ASAP

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Baby Picture-- if not already turned in

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to set up our folders for Word Study, take a diagnostic test (not for a grade, but to see where you stand gramatically. no worries) and finally get our first week of grammar assigned!

Please Bring:
1. A bule folder if not already handed in to me. If you did hand it in then Mrs. Jacobs will give you yours back.
2. Your silent reading book
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be writing David a GET WELL card. Please make sure you send him a warm wish that will make him feel better. Mrs. Jacobs has the Construction paper.

Please Bring:
1. If you haven't emailed it to me or already turned it in-- Summer Packet, and Code of Conduct Signature.

2. Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils

3. Writing Utensil

4. Glue/ Scissors

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Homework

Please Check yesterday's blog. It is the same as yesterday.

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be continuing with writer's workshop and reader's workshop.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Quiet Reading Book
3. Binder
4. Planner
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class we are doing Tshirts, and homeroom business. we are also going to continue with building towers:-)

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil
2. Binder

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8

Language Arts:
1. Decorate your WN Cover---Due Monday, 9/12
2. Read and Decorate your Tips for Success packet Signed by Wednesday, Sept 14
3. Bring a silent reading book to class tomorrow---Fri, Sept 9

Social Studies:
1. None

Baby Pic due Monday 9/12
Code of Conduct signature due Monday--9/12

Good Afternoon

This afternoon for LA, we will be doing Writer's Workshop. If time permits, we will be doing Reader's as well.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we will be logging onto TCI and getting our textbooks.

Please Bring:
1. A Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are still working as a collective team of 54. We are going to begin our Disney Challenge Research in the lab:-).

Please Bring:
1. A Writing Utensil

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7

Language Arts:
1. Decorate WN Cover---due Monday, Sept 12

1. Bring in a baby picture by Monday, Sept 12
2. Code of Conduct Signature By Monday, Sept 12

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon, we will have our first class of language arts. We will have a quick overview and then begin Reader's and Writer's workshop.

Please Bring:
1. Your composition Notebook
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class we are going to take a look at your schedules and go over your planners. We will also begin a fun team building exercise:)

Please Bring:
1. Your Planner
2. A Writing Utensil
3. Your Binder

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011---- Good Morning Everyone!

Happy first day of school:)

This morning for class you will want to bring all of your school supplies and Summer Packet assignments.

I am looking forward to a great year with all of you.