Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar packet pages due Monday, Nov 5 5th pages 31-36
2. Read 20 Min

Social Studies:
1. None

1. All Late Work due Wednesday, Nov 2

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to work on grabbers, and you will be getting a new grammar packet.

Please ring:
1. Novel
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be taking the spelling test and handing in our Words their way Packet.

Please Bring:
1. WTW Packet
2. Writing Utensil
3. WN
4. Binder

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday---Oct 29 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Read 20 Minutes each Night
2. Words their Way packet due Monday, Oct. 31
3. Spelling Test Monday, Oct 31

Social Studies:
1. none

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be working on Small Moment Revisions. VERY FUN!!!! I am also going to be collecting your two journal entries, and touch snapshot.

Please Bring:
2. Novel
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for SS we are going to watch a video on Christopher Colombus.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil
2. Binder

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to take the Chapter 3 test.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. Geo Terms
3. Something quiet to do
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

BEE Challenge first thing!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, Oct 25 Homework

Language arts:
1. Special Moment Snapshot typed rough due tomorrow, Oct 26
2. Smell Snapshot due tomorrow, Oct 26--- if you did not finish in class
3. Read 20 min
4. Words their Way due monday Oct 31

Social Studies:
1. Test Thurs Oct 28

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for languages arts, we are going to gor to the MC for Reader's WS. then we are going to be doing snapshots for wrter's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Book
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil
4. Planner
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to go over the review. We are also going to check the rest of our ISN pages. Lastly, we are going to check in our GEO terms for chapter's 1, 2 & 3.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. Spiral NB with Geo terms
3. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Rough Small Moment Typed due tomorrow
2. Rough (important Moment) small moment due Wed-Oct 26
3. Words Their Way---due Monday Oct 31
4. Read 20 Min

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 3 Review due Tues Oct 25
3. Chapter 3 test on Thursday Oct 27

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you are going to be getting your new Words their Way assignment and word list. We will also be checking your grammar packet.

Please Bring:
1. WS Folder
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Novel
5. Writing Utensil

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Rough hand picked Small moment typed due Tuesday, Oct 25
2. Rough Typed important moment small moment due Wed. Oct 26
3. Grammar Due Monday, Oct 24
4. Read 20 min

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 18 & 19 due Tuesday, Oct 25
2. Chapter 3 Test on Thursday, Oct 27----We will do the review on Monday

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to read and work on typing our small moments.

Please Bring:
1. Silent reading book
2. WN
3. Writing utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies--- we are going to check the ISN pages to chapter 3 and create a test review.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, Oct 20---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar due--Monday, October 24
2. Read 20 Minutes
3. Typed Rough Small Moment due Monday, Oct. 24--- I will give class time tomorrow to work on this.

Social Studies:
1. Further Reading pages 38-43 and ISN pages 18 & 19 due Tuesday, October 25
2. Chapter 3 Test on Thursday, Oct 27

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to finish Crash, and do Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder
4. Reading Journal entry
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning Continued.....

This morning for social studies, we are going to be finishing the chart from yesterday, check in ISN pages 15 & 16 and begin the further reading section in chapter 3.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for Science/Lit, we are working on our BEEs. Mrs. Kessler, David's Mom, is going to be joining us this morning. She will be working with the foundation group. Please give her a warm welcome:-)

Please Bring:
1. All Bee Materials needed to be productive in your group

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, October 19-- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar due Monday, October 24
2. Read 20 Min

Social Studies:
1. ISN pages 15 & 16 Due Thursday, Oct 20

Good Afternoon!

This morning for SS we are going to be continueing with chapter 3.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

MEAP This Morning!

Please Bring:
Something quiet to do

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Due Monday, October 24th
2. Reading 20 Minutes

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 3 ISN PAges due Wednesday, October 19

Good afternoon!

This afternoon we are going to be finishing the Math MEAP. After the MEAP, we are going to watch a video on the First Immigrants.

Please Bring:
1. Something Quiet to Work on

Good Morning!

This morning we are starting off taking the MEAP. 5th you are with Mrs. Brown. Sixth graders, you are with me.

Please Bring:
1. Something quiet to do once you finish the test. I can not send you to your lockers during the MEAP.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are working on Grammar and typing small moments.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. WS Folder
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you are going to be doing word study/grammar. If time permits, you will be given more time to type up your small moment.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Word study folder
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for langauge arts,we are going to be doing reader's and writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Novel
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, Oct 14 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Reading Journal Response
2. Read 20 Min

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 16 & 17 due Tuesday, Oct 17

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing reader's and writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Novel
2. journal reading prompt packet
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 3.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13 homework

Language Arts:
1. Read 20 Min

2. 6th only Grammar Packet due Monday 10-17

Social Studies:
1. Geo terms due Tomorrow, 10-14

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to begin with Reader's and then move to snapshots for writers.

Please Bring:
1. Novel Form
2. WN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Planner

Good Morning Continued....

This mornig for social studies, we are going to begin Chapter 3.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for Science/Lit we are working on our jobs.

Please Bring:
1. any Bee materials needed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12--Homework

Language Arts:
1. Novel $ and Form due Thursday, Oct. 13
2. Read 20 Min
3. Sight snapshot due Thursday, Oct 13

Social Studies:
1. None

Important Info about Halloween:

We will be making our own Halloween-themed piñatas out of recycled materials--no buying one in a store! Look at things you would normally throw out at home like boxes, newspapers, packing materials, bags, etc. Be creative! Think about how you can reuse your found trash items to make a “recycled”piñata for theHalloween party!You may fill your piñata with whatever PEANUT-FREE, individually-wrapped goodies you would like! Piñatas can have a pull-string to open or just traditional paper mache all over to be “broken into” –check with your teacher to see if he/she has a preference. Paper mache can be made using thinned school glue/water or thinned corn starch/water. Make sure to incorporate a secure hanging mechanism (of recycled material). The Halloween piñata is an optional at-home project for all 5/6 students. Bring finished piñatasto school the week of October 24-28. We will elect the winning piñatas within our 5/6 teams before we have the fun of breaking them open at the Halloween party on Monday, October 31.

Good Afternoon Continued...

This afternoon, we will be doing LA, as a 54. We are finishing our snapshot from earlier this morning.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder
4. Planner

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon we are MEAPING from 12:45-2:15. Please make sure you bring your silent reading book, or classroom work that you need to finish.

Good Morning!

Because of the crazy schedule today, I am doing a double language arts. We will start the morning catching up on both reader's and writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Novel
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil
5. Reading Journal Response Packet

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, Oct 11 Homework

Please Remember that we have goal setting tomorrow --- if you are in my homeroom and have signed up.

Language Arts:
1. Small Moment about a Thing due Wed, Oct. 12
2. Novel Form Due Thursday, October 13
3. Read 20 Min

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Morning!

Happy Meaping!!!!!!

Please Bring:
Something quiet to do:-)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Read 20 Mintutes
2. Finish (if not in class) the Reading Journal----2/3 page Due Tuesday, Oct 11
3. "Thing" Small Moment (at least one page) ---Work on stamina---- due Wednesday, Oct 12
4. Novel Order form due Thursday, October 13

Social Studie:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you are going to be doing reader's writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Book
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning after Science/Lit class for SS, we are taking the SS test.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil
2. Something Quiet to do

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Novel form due Thursday, October 13
2. Read 20 Minutes

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 2 test Monday, October 10

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to learn about upcoming book club and read Crash.

Please Bring:
1. Novel
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we will be going over the review and we will discuss what will be on the test Monday.

Please Bring:
1. SS Review Sheet
2. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Important Information Regarding the Geography Bee

Dear Parents and Students,

I am so excited to tell you that BCS is going to hold a Geography Bee this year. Students in grades 4-8 are eligible to participate. We have scheduled the school-wide Bee for Tuesday, January 10th. It will be held during the Choice Hour period. The winner of the school bee will take a written test to qualify for the National Geographic State Bee.

The National Geographic Society runs the National Bee and provides the materials for the school bee.

Mr. Braisted has agreed to teach a Choice Hour class during 2nd Quarter for students in grades 4-8 who wish to learn more about Geography and prepare for the Bee together. However, anyone in grades 4-8 can sign up for the Bee - students do not need to be in the Geography Choice Hour in order to participate in the Bee.

There is also a very fun GeoBee Challenge app available for iPad, iPod touch, and other mobile devices that students can use to quiz themselves. The website National Geographic Bee - National Geographic has a wealth of information and activities for students interested in the bee as well as study materials for students who want to prepare on their own.

Please contact me if you have any questions!

Elizabeth Robbins
Co-Chair, Curriculum Enrichment

Good Morning!

There are no academic classes scheduled today, because of the River Rouge trip. The homework is the same as yesterdays as well. You can look at that if you need direction as to what the homework is.

Have a great day!!!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday October 3 Homework

Language Arts:
1. If not done, do your reasing response journal---the one that was due today---Now due Wed, Oct 5

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 2 Test---changed to Thursday, Oct 6


Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do a small amount of Reader's WS, and the rest of the time will be dedicated to going over the grammar packet.

Please Bring:
0. grammar Packet/Word study folder
1. WN
2. Book
3. Binder
4. Reading Response Journal Entry
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for the first part of language arts, we are going to take our test for Words-Their-Way.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil