Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, Homework

Language ARts:
1. R & E & Reading Log--- Jan 7

Social Studies:
1. None

Social Studies

for social studies, we are going to check in all of the pages for chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. SS Chapter 9 packet
2. Chapter 9 Practice Assessment
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to focus on Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Book
3. Writing Utensil

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, Dec 20

Language Arts:
1. 1st Criterion Submission due Friday 12/21
2. R & E & Reading Log 1/07

Social Studies:

1. White Elephant Gift due Tomorrow

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book.
4. Writing Utensil
5. Sticky Notes from Yesterday

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, there has been a change of plans.  Because Criterion is acting up and I am out because Erin is sick, we are doing Reader's WS.  We will finish Criterion tomorrow.  I will definitely be back tomorrow.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, Dec 18 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 1/7

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 9 Packet due Thursday, Dec 20

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon in SS, we are going to continue with chapter 9.  Please Bring.....

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are doing FITZassys:-)

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN with yesterday's journal entry
3. Writing Utensil
4. Book

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, Dec. 17 homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 1/7
2. Building Theories Journal Entry due Tuesday, Dec 18

Social Studies:
1. GEO Terms for chapter 9 --definition only---- due Tuesday, Dec 18

• social pyramid
• social class
• status
• noble
• peasant
• afterlife
• hieroglyph

1. Bring you White Elephant Party gift by Friday, Dec 21

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. GEO Log
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be doing Reader's and WS, using Wonder and your own personal book and sticky notes.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, Dec 14--- Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Jan 7

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to check in our chapter 7 pages.  We will also start with chapter 9 if time permits.

Please Bring:
2. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

SPELLING BEE:-) and Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Writing Utensil

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Jan 7

Social Studies:
1. Practice Assessment 7 due Friday, Dec 14

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. all SS supplies

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do writing ws.  Fitzays!!!!

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, Dec 12--- Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Jan 7

Social Studie:
1. ISN Pages 53-58 due Thursday, Dec 13---- if not done in class---- most finished

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we will begin to wrap up chapter 7.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. GEO Log
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, you will be handing in your narratives, we will be reading Wonder and starting essay writing.

Please Bring:
1. Printed Narrative
2. RN
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, Dec 11 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Final printed draft of your narrative due Wed. Dec 12--- Please remember to double space, use the font--- Times New Roman and 12pt font
2. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1.  None 

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 7.

Please Bring:
All SS Stuff

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts we are going to do reader's ws.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, Dec 10--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. "Influence" Sticky notes----7 total----- 6th pink and 5th green due Tuesday, Dec 11
2. Final printed draft of your narrative due Wed. Dec 12--- Please remember to double space, use the font--- Times New Roman and 12pt font
3. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1.  None 

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going  to begin chapter 7.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. GEO Log
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, Dec 7 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Peer and your own personal revisions due Wed. Dec 12
2. Final printed draft of your narrative due Wed. Dec 12
3. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1. Unit 2 Mapping Lab due Monday, Dec 10 if not done in class.  Page 50 in the ISN 

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to do our mapping lab.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Geo Log
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

Today, we are going to work on narrative revisions.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do reader's ws.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, Dec. 5 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Peer Revisions due Thursday, Dec 6----
2. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1. None



R & E

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, Dec 4 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due tomorrow Dec 5
2. Narrative Peer Revisions due Thursday, Dec 6----

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to take our Unit One Test.

Please Bring:
1. You GEO Terms Packet to hand in
2. Something quiet to work on in case you finish early.  Maybe toyr R & E to work on????

Good Morning!

This morning for our short class, we are all going to do mulit-age LA.  We are going to focus on Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Writing Utensil

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, Dec 3 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading due 12/05
2. Narrative Peer digital Revisions due Thursday Dec 6

Social Studies:
1. Unit One Test is Tuesday Dec 4
2. GEO Terms due Tuesday Dec 4

1. Fitz Homeroom is in charge of the clean sweep for character ed this week.  We are partnered with Huff.  We are Cleaning Monday and Wednesday and splitting the job on Friday.

Good Aftenoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to do a clicker review.

Please Bring:
1. GEO Log
2. Unit 1 Review
3. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to peer revise our narratives.

Please Bring:
1. Narrative
2. RN
3. WN
4. Book
5. Binder
6. Writing Utensil

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, Nov. 30

Langauge Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Dec 5
2. If you have not typed your narrative  or finished it, you need to by Monday, Dec 3

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms due Tuesday, Dec 4----
2. Unit One Test----Tuesday Dec 4

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue our review.

Please Bring:
1. Unit One Review
2. Text
3. ISN
4. Geo Log / Terms

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, Nov. 29 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Dec 5

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms due Monday, Dec 3----
2. Unit One Test----Monday Dec 3
Social Studies Review   Which we check in class---- here is what we came up with digitally:-)

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to check the Unit 1 Review, and our GEO terms in order to prepare for the Monday-Test.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. Text
3. Review
4. Geo terms
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to focus on our Wonder unit.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, Nov. 27 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Dec 5

Social Studies:
1. Unit 1 Review due Thursday, Nov. 29
2. Geo Terms due Monday, Dec 3----
3. Unit One Test----Monday Dec 3

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to work on the Unit One review in order to prepare for the upcoming Unit One test on Monday, Dec 3.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Geo Log
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to write a book summary.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Book
3. WN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 12/05

Social Studies:

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to go over the Lansing fieldtrip, and discuss some work that is coming back.  We will also discuss an up coming review for the test.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil
2. Spiral NB for notes

Tuesday, Nov 20--- Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do reader;s WS again:-)

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, Nov 19 Homework

Language Arts:
1. One Blue Character Trait Sticky Note due Tuesday, Nov 20
2. R & E & Reading Log due 12/05

Social Studies:
1. None--- the test and test review will be scheduled after break

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to finish up chapter 5 and discuss the upcoming unit test that will take place after the break.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Practice Assessment 5
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for LA, we are going to be discussing our Narratives that are due today, reading Wonder, and have time for Reader;s WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN--- with Narrative unless you emailed it or have it digitally complete
2. RN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil\
5. Binder

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, Nov 16 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Rough Narrative due Monday, Nov 19-- date extended
2. R & E & Reading log due 12/05

Social Studies:
1. Practice Assessment for chapter 5 due Monday Nov 19

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts we are going to do reader's and writer's ws.  :-)

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, Nov 15 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Rough Narrative due Monday, Nov 19-- date extended
2. R & E & Reading log due 12/05

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 5 ISN Pages due Friday, Nov 16 ---if not finished in class


Good Morning!

This moring for 6th, Narratives and book fair.  5th ---Narratives:-)

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, Nov 14 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Rough Narrative due Monday, Nov 19-- date extended
2. R & E & Reading log due 12/05

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 5 ISN Pages due Friday, Nov 16 ---if not finished in class


Good Afternoon!

This afrternoon for social studies, we are going to watch a video on Mesopatamia.  It is a great review of all three chapters completed so far.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. GEO Terms
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for Language arts, we will continue with narrative Writing.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, Nov. 9 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Grabber---- Oppossite Gender--- due Monday, Nov. 12
2. R & E & Reading Log due 12/05

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Lansing Permission Slip due: Tues. Nov. 13

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies we are going to work on chapter 5.

Pleaswe Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Geo Terms
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to work on writing our narratives based on our character creation from yesterday.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. RN

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, Nov. 8 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Have your new Character idea for tomorrow's narrative due tomorrow
2. R & E & Reading Log due 12/05

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Lansing Fieldtrip Permission Slip due Tuesday, Nov. 13

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to finish chapter 4 and begin chapter 5.

Please Bring:
1. Geo Terms Packet
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil
6. Practice Assessment 4

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be working on our narratives.  I am also going to continue to read Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. Orange Prediction Sticky Notes
2. WN
3. RN
4. Book
5. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, Nov 7 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Charater Prediction Sticky Notes---color-orange----- due Thurs. Nov 8
2. R & E & Reading Log Due---12/05

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 4 Practice Assessment due Thurs. Nov 8 if not finished in class

Good afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to finish chapter 4 and if time permits, we are going to begin chapter 5.

Please Bring:
1. SS Text
2. Geo Terms Packet
3. ISN
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to begin a new read aloud and do reader's WS.

Please Bring:
2. RN
3. WN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, Nov. 6 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log Due 12/05
2. Pinata Snapshot Due Wednesday, Nov 7--- if not finished in class. 

Social Studies:
1. ISN Page----27-30 due Wednesday, Nov 7--- If not done in class

Have a fun day tomorrow everyone!!!!

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to beging Chapter 4 in History Alive.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be writing learning about the R & E.  If time permits, we are going to be writing.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN---- today the journal entry from Thursday with Mrs. Blacklock is due.
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, Nov. 2---- Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th grade Blue Character---negative traits Sticky Notes---- Due Monday, Nov. 5
2. 5th Only----- Sticky Note Journal Response on Pushing your thinking due Monday, Nov 5
3. R & E & Reading Log-----Wednesday, Dec. 5---- 5th graders... I will be giving you all of the handouts and the details for this on Monday:-)

Social Studies:
1. Wonderful Election Everyone!!!!!!  You did a great Job!!! Thank you to all of our parents who joined us for the presentations.

Good Afternoon!

Election Celebration!!!!!!!!

Good Morning!

this morning for language arts, we are going to work on Narratives in 6th grade and in fifth, we are going to go over R & Es.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, Nov 1 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th grade Blue Character---negative traits Sticky Notes---- Due Monday, Nov. 5
2. 5th Only----- Sticky Note Journal Response on Pushing your thinking due Friday, Nov 2

Social Studies:
1. Election Assignments--- Nov 2

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to work on our Election Unit:)..... One more day!!!!!

Please Bring:
1. Election Materials

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be doing Reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Reading Log
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, Oct 29 Homework

Language Arts:
1. None

Social Studies:
1. Election Project due Fri. Nov 2

Good Afternoon!

In place of science/lit today, we are going to complete R & Es.

Please Bring:
1. 6th Only--- R & E
2. All Reading Log

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are doing the election unit:-)

Please Bring:
1. Election Supplies

Good Morning!

This morning for LA, we  are going to do Writer's WS in 6th and battle launch in 5th.

Please Bring:
1. 6th----WN and Writing Utensil
2. 5th -----Nothing

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, Oct 26 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Second year with Fitz kids----6th Only---- R & E due Oct. 29
2. All----- 1st Reading Log due Monday, Oct 29
Social Studies:
 1. Election Group Project due Nov 2

1.  Election Celebration---- All Parents and Relatives Invited------- 12:pm Nov 2
2.  Pinata's due by Oct 31 (optional)

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are doing the Election Unit.

Please Bring:
1. Election Materials

Good Morning

For language arts, we are going to do reader's and writers:-)

Please Bring:
Writing Utensil

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, Oct. 25--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Second year with Fitz kids----6th Only---- R & E due Oct. 29
2. All----- 1st Reading Log due Monday, Oct 29
3. 5th Only---- 4 pink charater trait sticky notes from tonights reading in your silent reading book..... due Friday, Oct 26
4. Please bring your catogorized sticky notes tomorrow for Friday's Class:)  You should have finished om class today.

Social Studies:
1. Fitz Homeroom Candidate Debates on Friday, Oct 26  This involves just the candidates
 2. Election Group Project due Nov 2

1.  Election Celebration---- All Parents and Relatives Invited------- 12:pm Nov 2
2.  Pinata's due by Oct 31 (optional)

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with our election unit.  Election time is almost here:)

Please Bring:
1. Election Materials

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to begin with Reader's WS and then move in to Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, Oct 24 ---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Second year with Fitz kids----6th Only---- R & E due Oct. 29
2. All----- 1st Reading Log due Monday, Oct 29
3. 5th Only---- 4 pink charater trait sticky notes from tonights reading in your silent reading book..... due Friday, Oct 26

Social Studies:
1. Brown Homeroom Candidate Debates---- Thursday, Oct 25-- This involves just the candidates--- non candidates do not do this
2. Fitz Homeroom Candidate Debates on Friday, Oct 26  This involves just the candidates
 Election Group Project due Nov 2

Election Celebration---- All Parents and Relatives Invited------- 12:pm Nov 2

good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to be working on the election.

Please Bring:
1. Election Materials

Good Morning!

This morning we are going to be doing a combo of reader's and writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th only--- Narrative Grabber #2 due Wednesday, Oct 24
2. second year with Fitz kids----6th Only---- R & E due Oct. 29
3. 5th Only ---Wiki Second Partner Revisions due Wednesday, Oct 24 if not finished in class
4. All----- 1st Reading Log due Monday, Oct 29

Social Studies:
1. Election Group Project due Nov 2

Election Celebration---- All Parents and Relatives Invited------- 12:pm Nov 2

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue to work on the Election unit.

Please Bring:
1. All election materials

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to learn about point of view in reading and writing.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Oct 22 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Wiki Partner Small Moment Revisions due Tuesday, Oct 23
2. Second Year 6th Graders only R & E Due Oct 29

Social Studies:
1. All Group Election Assignments due Friday, Nov 2

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social stuides, we are going to work on the Election Unit.

Please Bring:
1. Election Materials

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be doing digital revisions with our Small Moments.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, Oct 19 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th Only--- R & E due 10/29
Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to watch the presidential debate and hopefully have time to work on the Election Unit.

Please Bring:
1. Election Unit Materials
2. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are doing grammar and essay tips.

Please Bring:
1. All necessary tools for LA

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, Oct 18 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th Only--- R & E due 10/29
2. All---Reading summary due Friday, Oct 19 if not completed in class
3. 5th Only Small Moment Wiki post Friday, Oct. 19

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to be working on the Election unit.  Make sure that you start to really chip away at your task list.

Please Bring:
1.  All Election Supplies

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be doing Reader's WS.  If time permits, we will also be doing some grammar.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, Oct 16 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 5th Only--- Make sure you post your Small Moment on to the WIKI by Friday, Oct 19
2. 6th (seasoned verterans Only) R & E due Oct 29

Social Studies:
1. No Class today because of the MEAP.  No Homework:)

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do Grammar Presentations for 6th grade and Writer's workshop for 5th.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, Homework for Oct 15

Language Arts:
1. 6th Only---Assigned grammar rule posted to the wiki--- due tomorrow, Oct 16
2. 5th Only--- small Moment Posted to Wiki Under the Literact tab due Friday, Oct 19

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to finish chapter 1 and complete an election activity.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to begin a new read aloud and begin grammar:)

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Silent book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, Oct 12--- Homework

Language Arts:

1. 5th Only---- Have your small moment posted on Criterion, do at least one revision and then place it on the Wiki under the Small Moment tab.  --- all of this is due Friday, Oct 19---if not finished in class.

2. 6th Only---- Setting (light pink) sticy notes due Monday, Oct 15. Below is the guide for this activity.


For today’s sticky note activity, I want you to focus on your stories setting and its impact on the characters in your novel.

Questions to ask yourself while you are reading…

1.    Does the setting change in your book?  If yes, how?
2.    Does the setting change the characters in anyway?
3.    Is your stories setting important to the plot?  How?

Ways you can develop your thinking:
1.    Something I noticed that I thought was important is…__________________.
2.    The setting changed from ____________ to ___________.
3.    My main character changed from ________ to ________ because the setting was ______________.

Social Studies:

1. Goal Setting Due Monday, Oct 15

2. Practice Assessment 1 due Monday, Oct 15

Good Afternoon Continued.....

This afternoon for Science/Lit, we are going to work on bees and then continue with the election.

Please Bring:
1. Bee Data
2. Election Materials

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to work on the Election Unit.

Please Bring:
1. Any Election items that will help you in your groups.

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be doing Reader's and Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, Oct 11 Homework

Language Arts:

1. 6th Only---- Have your small moment posted on Criterion, do at least one revision and then place it on the Wiki under the Small Moment tab.  Also make sure you have your narrative grabber completed for tomorrow--- all of this is due Friday, Oct 12

2. 5th Only---- Setting (light Green) sticy notes due tomorrow, Oct 12. Below is the guide for this activity.


For today’s sticky note activity, I want you to focus on your stories setting and its impact on the characters in your novel.

Questions to ask yourself while you are reading…

1.    Does the setting change in your book?  If yes, how?
2.    Does the setting change the characters in anyway?
3.    Is your stories setting important to the plot?  How?

Ways you can develop your thinking:
1.    Something I noticed that I thought was important is…__________________.
2.    The setting changed from ____________ to ___________.
3.    My main character changed from ________ to ________ because the setting was ______________.

Social Studies:

1. Goal Setting Due Monday, Oct 15

2. Practice Assessment 1 due Monday, Oct 15

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to finish Chapter 1 and begin Chapter 2.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Textbook
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for LA, we are going to do Reader's WS.  If time permits, we will continue with our narratives from Monday.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book\
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, Oct. Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Grabber due Thursday, Oct 11

Social Studies:

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to take the Spelling City placement test.  Next, we are going to do Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are going to work on the election. 

Please Bring:
1. Election Packet and any materials you may need to get your job done.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday. Oct. 9 Homework

Language Arts:
1. none

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to check chapter 1 and work on the election unit in our groups.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. Election Packet
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!



Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, Oct 8 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 5th Nouns (first 5 pages) in grammar packet due Tues. Oct 9

Social Studies:
2. Have ISN Page 11 & 12 Complete and due for Tuesday Oct 9--- if not finished in class

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon we are going on our fieldtrip to the river rouge..... FUN!

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to finish our Memory Box read aloud and begin writing our narratives.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Have at least five boxes in your Memory Box Complete by Monday, Oct. 8

Social Studies
2. Have ISN Page 11 & 12 Complete and due for Monday Oct 8--- if not finished in class

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for science/lit we are going to work on the election unit.

Please Bring:
1. Election Packet
2. Writing Utensil

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 1.

Please Bring:
1. SS Text
2. ISN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil
5, GEO Log

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going  to work on our Memory Box through reader's and writers WS.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Silent book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, Oct 4 Homework

Language Arts:
5th Only Five Grammar Sheets due Tuesday. Oct 9--- if not finished in class.

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 9 & 10 Due tomorrow--- if not done in class.

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for  5th grade language arts, we are going to begin our grammar/word study.  Today we are starting with nouns.  You will also get reading time. 

Please Bring:
1. Blue Completed Sticky Notes
2. Silent Book
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for 6th grade language arts we are going to begin our first classroom novel, The Watsons go to Birmingham.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, Oct 3--- Homework

Language Arts:

1. 7 to 10 Blue Sticky Notes due Thursday Oct 4 (tomorrow--if not finished in class)  They need to be Text to World, Text to Self, or Text to Text--- like we discussed in class.  I put the definitions below.

TEXT to TEXT---Make a connection from what you are reading to another book or story that you have read.

TEXT to WORLD---Make a connection to the REAL world and your book.

TEXT to SELF--- Make a connection from your book to something that connects with you.

Social Studies:  GEO Terms 6-10 Due Tomorrow if not finished in class

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, it is going to be single age.  6th will start class with me and 5th will go to science first.  Then you will switch. 

6th--- you are taking a digital practice MEAP..... more info will follow.   Bring your GEO Terms and SS Text

5th---- We will be working on GEO terms.

Please Bring:
1. GEO Terms
2.  SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to Reader's WS.  If time permits, we will do a little bit of writing.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Book
3. WN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, Oct 2 Homework

Language Arts:
2. 5th Only---- F & P Parent Signature due Wednesday, Oct 3

Social Studies:
1. Five Vocab words due tomorrow, if not finished in class.
1. River Rouge ---Permission Slip due Wed. Oct 3

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to writer a small moment and put it onto Criterion ETS. 

Please Bring:
1. WN---With the Small Moment

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, Oct. 1 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Bring in your completed rough Small Moment tomorrow, Oct 2.
2. 5th Only---- F & P Parent Signature due Wednesday, Oct 3

Social Studies:
1. Five Vocab words due tomorrow, if not finished in class.
1. River Rouge ---Permission Slip due Wed. Oct 3

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to check the GEO Challenge and begin writing the definitions for our vocab. for unit 1.

Please Bring:
1. SS Text
2. ISN
3. Writing Utensil
4. GEO Log

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do Reader's and Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, September 28, 2012

Good Morning!

This morniing for language arts, we are doing Reader's and Writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Sticky Notes due today
2. RN
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 28---Homework

Language Arts: 
1.  Side Character sticky notes from your silent reading book due tomorrow Sept. 29 if not finished in class. 
2. Scholastic Book Order---- Online due Sat 9/30.  Or to Mrs. Fitz by Monday, Oct 1

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to work on our election unit and grade the GEO Challenge from yesterday.

Please Bring:
1. Campaign Packet
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do reader's WS and a bit of writing. 

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, Septenber 26--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Book Orders Due on line Saturday Sept 29, Classroom turn in Due Monday, Oct 1

Social Studies:
1. Geo Challenge due tomorrow if not done in class. Due Thursday, Sept 27

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with the GEO Challenge from yesterday.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. History Alive Textbook
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Here is a quick way to order books online

Scholastic Online Order

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to begin with Writer's WS and continue with our first small moment story.  then we will move into Reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25, Tuesday---- Homework

Language Arts:
1. None

Social Studies:
1. Election Letter---- Final draft due Wednesday, Sept. 26

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to discuss the letter and the upcoming election unit.  We are also going to Begin working in our new textbook and ISN (Interactive Student Notebook).

Please Bring:
1. Election Packet and Letter
2. Binder
3. Geo Log
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do writer's WS.  We will begin our small moments today.  If time permits, we will finish with Reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Silent Book
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20---Homework

Language Arts:
1. 7 to 10 Sticky Notes---- due Monday, September 24

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to continue to do reader's and writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. RN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning we are going to start with Science/Literacy.  Because it is a short class, we are going to write thank you letters to our awesome camp chaperones.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, Sept 19 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 5th Grade Only----7 to 10 Sticky Notes from today's Reading due, Friday, Sept 20

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon, we are going to begin our social studies for Global studies.

Please Bring:
1. Spiral NB
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning 5th Graders

This morning for class, we are going to be doing both reader's and writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Writing Utensil
4. Glue Stick

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to continue taking the required district writing/ reading assessments.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for class, we are going to be taking a required computerized district reading assessment.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Tuesday, Sept 18--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. None

Social Studies
2. None

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to share Summer Packet Book Talks, check in the Summer Reading Log, and continue with writer's WS.

Please Bring:
1. Summer Packet Book Talk if you have not handed it in already
2. Summer Packet Reading Log
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Friday, Sept. 11--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Summer Packet Tuesday Sept 18


Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for class, we are going to get our pictures, we are going to finish Crow Call, and work on some SS abit.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN
3. Silent Reading Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon we will be having Science class.
Please bring a writing utensil!

Good Morning!

Mrs. Fitz is out this morning.  She will be back this afternoon.

This morning for language arts, we are going to begin reader's workshop.

Please Bring:
1. Your "Just Right" Book
2. Writing Utensil

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, Sept 7 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Find a "Just Right Book" by Monday, Sept 10
2. Decorate WN by Tuesday, Sept 11
3. Summer Packet Due Tuesday Sept 18

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for class, we are going to Finsih Blind Sight, discuss camp, and do some writing.

Please Bring:
1. Notes From Yesterday
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil

Thursday, September 6, 2012


All permission slips besides the Water fieldtrip are actually due Tues. Sept 11. Sorry, but Blogger is not letting me edit:-(

Thursday, Sept 6--- Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. All Summer Packet LA Materials due Sept 18

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Water Permission Slip due Friday, Sept 7
2. Getting to know you slip due Fri. Sept 7--- Parents fill this out
3. Movie and Tech Permission Slip Signature due Friday, Sept 7

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for class, we are going to continue with team building activities.

Please Bring:
1. Any signed forms that you have.
2. Temporary Planner
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to organize our supplies, and begin reader's workshop.

Please Bring:
1. Both Composition NB
2. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, Sept 5--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Please Bring in your Summer packet by Tuesday, September 18

Social Studies:
1. None

All Permission Slips due Friday, Sept. 7

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for class, we are going to finish our bobble-heads. Then we are going to do some outdoor team-building activities.

Please Bring:
1. All Art Supplies for Your Bobble-head
2. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

Please Find your name tag. I think that I am missing two. Please see me if you can not find yours.

This morning we are going to go over a few more classroom procedures. You will be with us until 9:20 and then you will go to your Wednesday CCs.

Please Bring:
1. A Writing Utensil

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, Homework

Language Arts:
1. Please Bring in your Summer packet by Tuesday, September 18

Social Studies:
1. None

Permission Slips due Friday, Sept. 7

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for class here is the schedule.

11:55-12:40 Introductions, Dicuss Schedule, T Shirts

12:45-1:05 Town Hall Meeting (Media Center)

1:10-2:25 Bobble-Head Activity, Take Pictures for the classroom and discuss bus families

2:30-3:00 Bus Families

3:05-3:15 Planners

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good Morning Everyone and Welcome!!!!!

This morning's Schedule is going to look like this. We are going to spend a little time organizing your lockers and supplies. Then we are going to talk about classroom t shirts. I will post the rest of the day when I see all of you later this afternoon:-)

Morning Schedule:
8:20-9:20 Homeroom

9:25-10:15 First Tuesday CC

10:20-11:10 Second Wednesday CC

11:10-11:50 Lunch

11:55 Homeroom

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good Day All!

This willbe my final post for the year.  There will be no more homework for the year for my classes. I amlooking forward to Wacky Recess, the fieldtrip and the last day of school.  I will miss you all when the year ends.  Have a great summer everyone!!!!


Good Morning!

This morning in SS we are going to do a living scene and check assessment 15.

Please Bring:
1. Chapter 15 Assessment
2. Writing Utensil

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, June 11 Homework

Language Arts:
1. None

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 15 Practice Assessment due Tuesday, June 12

Good afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to check in the grammar packet and turn in the SS Textbook.

Please Bring:
1. SS Text
2. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning we have move up day:-)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to email all Hero Stories to Mr. Joe. Email it directly to him at

Once you have done this you mar read silently. Then we will check our final grammar packets.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to check in Geo terms and watch a Bill of Rights video.

We will check assessment 15 on Tuesday, so make sure you have it finished by then.

Please Bring:
1. Chap 15 Geo Terms

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday, Jun 6 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Get me another hard copy of your Hero's Journey story by Friday, June 8
2. Journal prompts due Thursday, June 7

Reading Journal Response Prompts
Directions: Please complete the following two prompts. Each entry must be 2/3 of a page in length totaling one and a half pages altogether.

Prompt One: Who is the mentor in your novel. Why do you feel that this character is the mentor. Please explain. Is your character following the Hero’s Journey? Explain why or why not.

Prompt Two: Briefly summarize the reading you did today and the setting. Next, give two examples of external characterization and two examples of internal characterization that take place somewhere in your book.

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 86 & 87 due tomorrow, June 7

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to do RW and WS

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 15.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday, June 5 Homework

Language Arts:
1. None

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms due Wed June 6

Bill of Rights
Due Process

Good Afternoon!

For class today, we are going to complete the chapter 14 test and then begin chapter 15.

Please Bring:
1. a book
3. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday, June 4---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Author's Celebration June 12

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 14 test tomorrow June 5

Good Morning & Afternoon!

We are going to be presenting our R & Es all day!!!

Please Bring:
1. R & E
2. Reading Log

Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday, June 1 ----- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Final Draft of Story with Rubric due on Monday June 4
2. R & E & Reading Log Due Jone 4

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 14 Test Tuesday, June 5

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to revise our Hero's Journey Stories.

Please Bring:
1. Your Story
2. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to be going over the Chapter 14 Review and watch a short Constitution video.

Please Bring:
1. Chap 14 Review
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 31 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Hero's Journey Story due Friday, June 1
2. R & E & Reading Log Due Monday, June 4

Social Studies:
1. Review and Chapter 14----ISN Pages due Friday, June 1
2. Chapter 14 test on Tuesday, June 5

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be doing the review for chapter 14.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, May 29 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Hero's Journey Story due Friday, June 1
2. R & E & Reading Log Due Monday, June 4

Social Studies:
1. ISN Page 82 and Chapter 14 Futher Reading due tomorrow, May 30

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to finalize our hero's journey stories.

Please Bring:
1. Story
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 14.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. SS Cards for chap 14
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 14.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. SS Cards for chap 14
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday, May 25---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Hero's Journey Story typed due Friday, June 1
R & E & Reading Log due June 4

Social Studies:
1. Three Branches of Gov. Cards, due Tues. May 29

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be working on our hero's journey stories.

Please Bring:
1. Story
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 24--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log June 4
2. Hero's Journey Story---- Typed--- Rough due Friday, June 1

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be working on our stories.

Please Bring:
1. Story

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to play a study game with the three branches of government.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS TExt
3. Binder
4. Scissors
5. Glue if you have it.
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 23--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log June 4

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to take the spelling test, and finsih checking the grammar. We are also going to have reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. DU Originals--- Spelling Packet
4. Writing Utensil
5. Reading Journal Response Packet

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 14.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Spiral NB with Geo Terms from chapter 13 and 14
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday, May 22 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log June 4

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 14 GEO Terms due Wednesday, May 23

Good Afternoon!!!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be grading the grammar and working on our writing and taking the spelling test.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Spelling
3. Grammar Packet
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 14.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Due Monday, May 21
2. Spelling Due Monday, May 21
3. R & E & Reading Log due June 4

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon

This afternoon for writing, we are going to be working on leads.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to be watching a video on the Revolutionary War. We will begin Chapter 14 on Monday:-)

Please Bring:
1. Spiral Notebook
2. Writing Utensil

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 17--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Due Monday, May 21
2. Spelling Due Monday, May 21
3. Narrative Final Revisions Friday, May 18 This is required for anyone with a score below 80%
4. R & E & Reading Log due June 4

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Turtle Bee Farms $ and permission slip due Friday, May 18

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for langauge arts,we are going to continue with reader's and writer' WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to discuss the reading from chapter 13. We are also going to check the Assessment from yesterday and then we are going to begin chapter 14:-)

Please Bring:
1. Your ISN if I do not already have it
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

I have missed all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are starting with BEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Due Monday, May 21
2. Spelling Due Monday, May 21
3. Narrative Final Revisions Friday, May 18
4. R & E & Reading Log due June 4

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 13 Assessment due Thur. May 17

1. Turtle Bee Farms $ and permission slip due Thursday, May 17

Good afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to work on writing!!!!!

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to check in the ISN Pages and complete chapter 13 Practice Assessment.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to go to book check out in the MC. It is the last week to check out books, so we are going to take advantage of this opportunity.

Please Bring:
1. Silent reading book, if you have one that you are already reading, or you can check one out.
2. Reading Journal response Packet
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, you are going to continue with chapter 13.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Grammar Due Monday, May 21
2. Spelling Due Monday, May 21
3. Narrative Final Revisions Friday, May 18
4. R & E & Reading Log due June 4

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms due Tuesday, May 15

1. Turtle Bee Farms $ and permission slip due Thursday, May 17

Good afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts you are going to be given all of class to work on your new grammar assignment and your new spelling assignment. Both are due Monday, May 21. I will collect both before the field trip.

Please Bring:
1. Word Study Folder
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder
4. Quiet Reading Book

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to do the Tug of War simulation.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

GooD MorninG!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 11--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due June 4
2. Narrative Revisions---- May 18

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to continue with characterization.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are taking the test.

Please Bring:
1. Something quiet to do
2. SS Text
3. ISN
4. Writiing Utensil

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 10 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading due June 4
2. Narrative Revisions due May 18

Social Studies:
1. Chap 12 test Friday, May 11

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be continueing with characterization.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning we are doing language arts. You will be creating you super hero.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for science lit we are going to work on the BEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Please Bring:
1. All bee materials

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. Narrative Story Revisions due Friday, May 18
2. Final R & E June 4
3. 6th Only continue to practice Criterion

Social Studies
1. Chapter 12 Test Friday, May 11

Good Afternoon !

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to work on charaterization within our fictional stories.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Story from yesterday
3. Writing Utensil

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to practice Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for class, Mr. Joe is going to be doing a super hero lesson for today and tomorrow.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 7 Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log Due June 4
2. Spelling will be given out tomorrow

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 12 test on Thursday, May 10

Good Day!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be working on the four levels of a story and connecting it to our daily writing.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4 Homework

Language arts:
1. Character Journey Sheet from today's read aloud, Friday May 4----- it can not be the hungar Games.
2. R & E & Reading Log Due June 4

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to continue with the hero's journey, by listening to the very first version of Cinderella, originally called Ashpuddle.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil
4. Journey sheet from your personal reading due today

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be working on our Chapter 12 Review. We will also be turning in our chapter 12 ISN Pages.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3 Homework

Language arts:
1. Character Journey Sheet from your most current book due tomorrow, Friday May 4----- it can not be the hungar Games.
2. R & E & Reading Log Due June 4

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 12 Review due tomorrow--- May 4 by the end of class.

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts we are going to get the narratives back, continue with the read aloud, do reader's WS, and if time permits, continue with the Hero's Journey.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent reading book
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to create a chapter 12 review.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This moring for Science LIT we are going to continue with BEEEEEEssssssszzzzzzz

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2 Homework

Language Arts:
R & E & Reading Log due 6/4

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 70 & 71 Due Thursday, May 3

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 1-- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log Due June 4

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing Reader's and writers WS in connection with the four elements of a story. Please Bring: 1. WN 2. Writing Utensil

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing both reader's and writer's WS, connected to the four elements of a story.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

this morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 12.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, April 30, 2012

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log June 4

Social Studies:
1. Finish ISN sections 12.5 & 12.6 due tomorrow---May 1

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to learn about the four levels of a story--- that will be presented by our wonderful guest speaker.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social Studies, we are going to continue with chapter 12.

Please Bring:
1. Spelling Packet
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning we are going to begin with BEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, April 27--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log June 4
2. Spelling Due Monday, April 30

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon we are going to continue with the Heroes Journey through finding Joe.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil

Good Day to All!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 12.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26

Language Arts:
Language Arts:
1. Last R & E of the year and Reading Log June 4
2. Spelling Due Monday, April 30

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 12 Geo Terms due Tomorrow, April 27

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon, we are going to learn about the heroes journey.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to finish chapter 11 and begin chapter 12.

Please Bring:
1. Chapter 11 Practice Assessment
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Writing Utensil
5. Spiral NB for Geo terms
5. Binder

Good Morning!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 25 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Last R & E of the year and Reading Log June 4
2. Spelling Due Monday, April 30

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon, we are going to focus on writing fiction.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to first finsih R & Es and then finish chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. R & E
2. SS Text
3. ISN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 23 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Last R & E of the year and Reading Log June 4
2. Literary Sheet due tomorrow if not finished in class---Tues. April 24
3. Spelling Due Monday, April 30 Social Studies: 1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to team up and begin an awesome writing/ reading unit.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to team up with Mr. Joseph for a new Lit/Writing Launch.

Good Morning!!!!

This morning for class we are going to be doing R & Es.

please Bring:
1. Reading Log
2. R & E

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, April 23 Homework

Language Arts: 1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 ---tomorrow 2.Spelling will be given out tomorrow and is due Monday Arpil 30 Social Studies: 1. None

Good Day to All!!!!

Today is unique!!!! We are having an author visit as well as the earth day movie. So there is no LA/SS today. Please Remember the R & E & Reading log is due tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekend Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. No Spelling this week

Social Studies:
1. None


Language Arts: 1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day. 2. No Spelling this week Social Studies: 1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to continue with our reading/writing intertwining of the literary devices.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to work hard to finish up chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. Binder
2. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18---Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. No Spelling this week

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to work on creative writing through literature.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be doing our panel debates. You will also be handing in your ISNs for grading.

Please Bring:
1. Debate Materials
2. ISN

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17---Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. No Spelling this week

Social Studies:
1. Debate Presentation Changed to Wednesday, April 18
2. All Chapter 11 ISN Pages due Wed, 4/18

Good Day to All!

River Rouge Training and Field Trip all say today.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. Grammar due Monday, April 16
3. Finish Eagle Rock and complete the 5 paragraph assignment--- by Friday, April 13

Social Studies:
1. Debate Presentation Monday, April 16

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do Fish Bowl for Eagle Rock, turn in Eagle Rock and I will begin our new read aloud.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Eagle Rock Book
3. Writing Utensil

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to practice our debates.

Please Bring:
1. All necissary Materials for the debate--- to practice

Good Morning!

This morning for class we are going to go to an assembly.

please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good Morning!

This morning for class we are going to a Kids for Hungar assembly given by the 7/8.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. Grammar due Monday, April 16
3. Finish Eagle Rock and complete the 5 paragraph assignment--- by Friday, April 13

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Two Permission Slips due Friday, April 13--- River Rouge and Earth Day Movie--- If you could bring it in sooner than Friday that would be great
2. All Late work due Friday, April 13

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to have more time to complete the five paragraphs from yesterday.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. Eagle Rock

Good Morning Continued....

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue to prepare for our debates.

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials to accomodate this activity

Good Morning!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday April 11 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. Grammar due Monday, April 16
3. Finish Eagle Rock and complete the 5 paragrah assignment--- by Friday, April 13

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Two Permission Slips due Friday, April 13--- River Rouge and Earth Day Movie--- If you could bring it in sooner than Friday that would be great
2. All Late work due Friday, April 13

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to work on finishing Eagle Rock. Following its completion, we will also be doing a number of culminating activities.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. WN
3. Grammar Packet--- in case you have extra time
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Good Morning!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to work on our chapter 11 project.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. All Handouts
5. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday April 10 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. Grammar due Monday, April 16

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Two Permission Slips due Friday, April 13--- River Rouge and Earth Day Movie--- If you could bring it in sooner than Friday that would be great
2. Picture day on Wednesday, April 11

Good morning!

We are doing the Disability Workshop all day. I will tell you verbally about the schedule:-)

Please Bring:
1. A Writing Utensil

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday, April 9--Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log switched to Tuesday, April 24 because of our fieldtrip for Earth Day.
2. Grammar due Monday, April 16

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Remember the disability workshop is tomorrow!!!!
2. Two Permission Slips due Friday, April 13--- River Rouge and Earth Day Movie--- If you could bring it in sooner than Friday that would be great
3. Picture day on Wednesday, April 11

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to finish the book Eagle Rock and complete a Word Study packet.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock Book
2. Word Study Folder
3. WN

Good Morning!

This morning we are doing social studies. We are going to continue with chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials

Good Morning!

This morning we are doing Beeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz:-)

Good Morning!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log 4/23
2. For those that were absent on Friday, We also read further in Eagle Rock. We left off on page 289 . We will finish the rest when we return from break.

Social Studies:
1. For those who are absent, I forgot to give you the GEO terms. We also did not finish the chapter. There is no need to complete the further reading or processing. If you did, you are ahead of the game, which is fine. We haven't even gotten to the debates. It looks like I over shot the SS a bit. Sorry.

Geo Terms for Chapter 11:
1. Resolution
2. Patriot
3. Loyalist
4. Neutral
5. Traitor
6. Tyrant
7. Treason

Good Afternoon !

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to take the Spelling City Spelling Test. We are also going to read Eagle Rock.

Please Bring:
1. Spelling Assignment
2. Eagle Rock
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we will be watching a video about the Revolutionary War.

Please Bring:
1. Spiral NB with GEO Terms
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue to work on chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials
2. Spiral NB for Geo Terms
3. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Homework---3/28

Langauge Arts:
1. Spelling and test on Friday, March 30
2. R & E & Reading Log 4.23

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to Read and write using Eagle Rock.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Textbook
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to finish chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26---Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Tuesday, March 27----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Eagle Rock Journal Entry 1/2 Page in length due Tuesday, March 27

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to read ans do a writing activity connected to the book. We are also going to review for grammar in 5th and check the grammar for sixth.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Eagle Rock
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for double LA, we are doing a variety of things.

Please Bring:
1. Narrative
2. Eagle Rock
3. Word Study Folder

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 23---Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Tuesday, March 27----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 85-102, Monday, March 26

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing more grammar review, read Eagle Rock, resubmit the narrative and if time permits, doing a really fun writing lesson:)

Please Bring:
1. Newly printed narrative and RUBRIC
2. WN
3. Eagle rock
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning Continued........

This morning for social studies, we are going to an assembly in the MC. Our guest speaker is going to give a presentaion on slavery.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are going to do a double science. Mrs. Brown is going to do an awesome lab with all of you, and I think you are going to love it! If you have an ipad, or laptop, I recommend that you bring it this morning. We have an awesome social studies assembly after lunch today.

Please Bring:
1. Science Binder
2. Writing Utensil

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22--- Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Tuesday, March 27----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 54-85, Friday, March 23
4. Narrative Rubric 2nd Final due on Friday, March 23

Social Studies:
1. None


For science you are going to watch a discover learning video on Movement and solar system.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Morning Assembly

For the assembly about coal, you do not need anything.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good morning!

This morning we start the day with 5th LA and 6th Math. In fifth LA, we are going to review for the grammar quiz on Monday.

Please Bring:
1. Grammar Cards--- if you do not have them, no worries:-)
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil
4. Eagle Rock

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday, March 21 homework

angauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Monday, March 26----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 54-85, Friday, March 23
4. Narrative Rubric 2nd Final due on Friday, March 23

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Morning Continues.....

Disney Park Challenge Results.

Congrats!!!! We were 2nd in the state!!!!

Good Morning!

This morning the 6th graders start with LA and the 5th begin with math. I will go through the rest of the schedule when we meet....

For LA, we are going to read Eagle Rock and work on the Narrative.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday, March 20 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Monday, March 26----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 54-85, Friday, March 23
4. Narrative Rubric 2nd Final due on Friday, March 23

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 58-60 due Wed. March 21

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do grammar, Read Out of My Mind, attend the Book Fair, and get the narrative rubric.

Please Bring:
5th Only Grammar Packet
1. Word Study folder
2. Binder
3. Eagle Rock
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

Finishing chapter 10 for SS.

Please Bring:
1. SS Stuff

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 19 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. New R & E & Reading Log Monday April 23
2. 6th Grade Only Grammar Quiz tomorrow 3/20
3. 5th Grade Only Grammar Quiz, Monday, March 26

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for Langauge arts, we are going to finish R & Es.

Please Bring:
1. R & E

Good Morning!

This morning for double LA, we are going to be doing R & E s.

Please Bring:
1. R & E
2. Reading Log

Monday, March 19

Good Morning!

This morning we are doing Beezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19
2. Read to page 53 in Eagle Rock--- by Tuesday
3. Grammar Quiz on Tuesday, March 20

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to read Eagle Rock, Out of My Mind and look at and practice portfolos for conferences. You will also be handing in your narratives. If time permits, we will do a small writing activity.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. GEO Terms
5. Writing Utensil

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. Portfolio Digital Backpack due Tomorrow, March 16
2. Narrative Revised Final Draft Due Tomorrow, March 16---Please print a hard copy of this by tomorrow afternoon
3. Grammar and Quiz Tuesday, 20
4. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to have work time to finish up a whole bunch of pending assignments.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Grammar
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder
5. Eagle Rock
6. R & E Book

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are working on Chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. GEO Terms
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Conference Digital BP due Friday, March 16
2. Grammar Packet due Tuesday, March 19--- Grammar Quiz on this day as well
3. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19
5. Final Revised Narrative due Friday, March 16

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms due tomorrow, March 15

1. Spirit Week ---Tomorrow is twin day

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you are going to get work time to catch up on a few things. We are also going to draw for our basketball picks.

Please Bring:
1. WN/Narrative
2. Grammar Packet
3. Eagle Rock Book
4. Silent Reading Book
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

this morning for social studies we will begin chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. Spiral NB
2. SS Text
3. ISN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12---- Homework

Language Arts:
1. All Basketballs due Wednesday, March 14--- this was optional
2. Grammar Packet due Monday, March 19
3. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19
4. Narrative Revisions oppossite Grade Level due Wednesday, March 14
5. Final Revised Narrative due Friday, March 16

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Spirit Week ---Tomorrow is Sports day

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be reading, completing a journal entry and getting new grammar (an review for the test scheduled for March 20-- More information to follow.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WS Folder
3. Journal Prompt Packet
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are going to do LA. We will be revising your narratives, taking the spelling test and we will read Eagle Rock.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Computer
4. Writing Utensil

good Morning!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th Only----Read Chapter's 2-6 in Eagle Rock, by Monday, March 12
2. Spelling & Test Due Monday, March 12
3. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
4. Narrative Revisions due Thursday, March 15

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Digital Backpack Portfolio Reflections due Thursday, March 15--- You will have time in class as well, but in case you want the directions for this, they are posted to the Wiki under Digital Backpacks.

2. 6th Only---- Make sure that you bring a sack lunch tomorrow with disposable items only for the fieldtrip.

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to continue with Narrative Revisions and begin writing portfolio reflections.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Eagle Rock

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be taking the chapter 9 test.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Something quiet to do

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Oppossite Gender Digital Revisions due Thursday, March 8
2. Spelling and Test due Monday, March 12
3. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
4. Basketball March Madness continues............

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 9 Test is tomorrow, Thursday, March 8

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon, we really are going to work on Narrative Revisions. We are also going to read Eagle Rock.

please Bring:
1. WN
2. Eagle Rock
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to begin chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Spelling Due on Monday, March 12
2. R & E & Reading Log 3/19
3. Continue Reading for Basketballs:-)

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 9 Test on Thursday, March 8

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to grade our grammar packets and finally look at our Narrative revisions on the Wiki. We will also read the new novel, Eagle Rock

Please Bring:
1. Grammar Packet--- Only if I do not already have it:)
2. Binder
3. WN
3. Writing Utensil
5. Eagle Rock

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to complete the review.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Spelling Due Monday, March 12 and Test
2. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
3, March Madness has begun--- Read, Read, Read and get those basketballs signed.

Social Studies:
1. Chapter Test 9 test on Thursday. You will compete the review tomorrow

Good Afternoon!

Reading Day Continues.......................

Good Afternoon!

Reading Day Continues.......................

Happy Reading Day Everyone!!!!!

Bring All fun reading items:)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 3/19
2. 5th Only-- Grammar Packet due Tuesday, March 6---extended

Social Studies:
1. SS Review due Monday, March 5

Please make sure that you read the info below. And come readu to read on Monday for the launch of March Madness!!!!!

We just wanted to let you know we are going to celebrate Read Across America Day on Monday. Your child should come prepared for a day full of reading fun. They can bring in books to read, sleeping bags, pillows & blankets to be comfy, and they can wear their Pajamas if they would like. We will have plenty of silent reading time, read alouds, and we will introduce a new traveling book activity developed by the BCS green team. There will be math classes on Monday.

We are also collecting gently used books to donate to a school in Belize. Please have your child bring in one book they would be willing to donate.

Thank you,

Brown/Fitz/Bodle Team

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, were going to continue with Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class. 5th---Good Luck Battleing---- Non battlers are with Mrs. Brown all morning! 6th-- you are with me for Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. 6th---WN and Writing Utensil
2. 5th---science Materials

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, Homework

Language Arts:
1. Work on practicing criterion---optional
2. R & E & Reading Log 3/19
3. 5th only grammar pages 35-39

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Bring in your typed sentence requested by Mr. Hartley by tomorrow

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for langauge arts, we are going to an author's visit in the MC.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to create the chapter 9 review.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!!!!


Please Bring:
1. Bee Supplies

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, Feb 29 ---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Work on practicing criterion---optional
2. R & E & Reading Log 3/19
3. 5th only grammar pages 35-39

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Bring in your typed sentence requested by Mr. Hartley by tomorrow, March 1

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be going to be doing our world famous criterion:). I want everyone to do the following prompt 6th grade----- Monday and Friday; and 5th grade---- Playing Games. Please submit by the end of class. If you are able to finish and submit, then either revise and try for a better score, or work on revising or finsihing your one from yesterday.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning

This morning for social studies, we are going to learn about the starting causes of the Revolutionary War.

Please Bring:
1. Binder
2. ISN
3. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 28, 2012----Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 3/19
2. Work on criterion revisions---optional
3. 5th grade only-----grammar pages 35-39--- Monday, March 5

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing grammar and Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we will be doing LA. We will be doiong Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, Feb 27 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
2. Criterion Essay (optional) if you choose to finsih this at home (Please do NOT get parental help. This is practice for a district-wide test. When they take the actual one in class, help will not be permitted. So to help with this, will only hinder your potential progress at learning the Criterion strategies. Use the computer's suggestions.)

SoCial Studies:
1. ISN Page 54 due tomorrow

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing a practice criterion essay.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning Still............

This morning we will be doing social studies and have a double LA tomorrow.

Please Bring:
1. ISN and SS Text
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning we are doing BEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

Please Bring:
Bee Stuff

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, Feb 17 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due March 19

Social Studies:
1. None


Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to work on our essay writing.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. binder
4. Silent Reading Book

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we will continue with chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, Feb 16--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. Starting Over Part Two Essay due Friday, Feb 17
2. Reading Response which should aready be done due tomorrow
3. R & E & Reading Log Due Monday March 19

Social Studies:
1. None

6th gr Permission Slips due Friday Feb 17

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do a small ammount of reader's WS and then switch over to Essays.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 9 .

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!!!!

This morning we are going to start to put the finishing touches on our project for submission.

Please Bring:
1. All Bee Materials

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, Feb 15 Homework

Language Arts:
1. That journal prompt from last week that was done with the sub---due Friday, Feb 17---you should already have this done..... If you are unsure of the prompts... do prompts 9 & 10 under author's craft in your response packet.

2. New R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Blast donations due Friday, Feb 17
2. 6th Grade Lansing Permission Slip due Friday, Feb 17--- I am still missing a ton!!!

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to finish presenting R & Ezzzzzzzzzzzz.

Please Bring:
1. R & E Supplies
2. Chapter 9 GEO terms

Good Morning!

R and E all day. Bring your R and E stuff:-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 14---Homework


Langauge Arts:
1. R & E Due Tomorrow!!!!! Feb 15
2. That journal prompt from last week that was done with the sub---due Friday, Feb 17---you should already have this done..... If you are unsure of the prompts... do prompts 9 & 10 under author's craft in your response packet.

Social Studies:
1. GEO TERMS due Wed Feb 15
Royal Colony

6th Grade Lansing Permission slip due Friday Feb 17

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for lA, we will be taking the spelling test, reading and taking another look at essays.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, Feb 13 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log Due Wed. Feb 15---- Mrs. Cooks B'day:-)

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Tie Tuesday for Extra Credit in LA or SS Tomorrow!
2. 6th Graders--- I need those permission slips for Lansing

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to reader's WS. And we are going to work on Essays. We will also check out some awesome Digital Narrative Posts. Volunteers only of course.

Please Bring:
1. Spelling Assignment due today---- there are no computers available today, therefore, we will take the test tomorrow. One more day to study:-)

2. WN

3. Silent Reading Book

4. Binder

5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, Feb 10 ---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative digital Revisions due Tusday, Feb 14----if not done in class
2. Spelling Due Monday, Feb 13
3. R & E & Reading Log due Wed Feb 15

Social Studies:
1. None

1. 6th Grade Permission slip to Lansing due Tueday, Feb 13

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you will be reading silently for RW. Then you will have time to work on narrative revisions. The guest teacher has a long list of directions for you.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be finsihing the thank you letters from yesterday and do a Time for Kids.

Please Bring:
1. Any predrafted letters you have begun.
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to take our chapter 8 test.

Please Bring:
1. Chapter 8 Review Sheet
2. Writing Utensil
3. Something quiet to do--- in case you finish early

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, Feb 8 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Spelling Due Monday
2. R & E & Reading Log Feb 15

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 8 Test tomorrow 2/9

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to finish and dicuss with your peers your Chapter 8 review. Lastly, we are going to finish watching the video from the other day on slavery.

Please Bring:
1. Chapter 8 Review
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are doing Reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Silent Reading Book
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are doing reader's workshop.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. Wtiying Utensil

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 7 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Digital Peer Revisions due Wed. Feb 8
2. Spelling Due Monday, Feb. 13
3. R & E & Reading Log due Feb 15

Social Studies:
1. Review due Wed. Feb 8
2. Chapter 8 Test Thurs. Feb 9

1. Report Card Signature due Thursday, Feb 9
2. Well dressed Wednesday tomorrow for extra credit in LA or SS

Goo Afternoon!

Welcome back! For this last class, people will be given the time to finish the science test. If time permits, we will watch our final version of our BEE documentary. Very Exciting!

Good Morning Continued....

During this short class you will all be taking the science test as a group of 54. At 12:15, we will head to the buses and make our way towards the fieldtrip.