Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log 4/23
2. For those that were absent on Friday, We also read further in Eagle Rock. We left off on page 289 . We will finish the rest when we return from break.

Social Studies:
1. For those who are absent, I forgot to give you the GEO terms. We also did not finish the chapter. There is no need to complete the further reading or processing. If you did, you are ahead of the game, which is fine. We haven't even gotten to the debates. It looks like I over shot the SS a bit. Sorry.

Geo Terms for Chapter 11:
1. Resolution
2. Patriot
3. Loyalist
4. Neutral
5. Traitor
6. Tyrant
7. Treason

Good Afternoon !

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to take the Spelling City Spelling Test. We are also going to read Eagle Rock.

Please Bring:
1. Spelling Assignment
2. Eagle Rock
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we will be watching a video about the Revolutionary War.

Please Bring:
1. Spiral NB with GEO Terms
2. Writing Utensil
3. Binder

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue to work on chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials
2. Spiral NB for Geo Terms
3. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Homework---3/28

Langauge Arts:
1. Spelling and test on Friday, March 30
2. R & E & Reading Log 4.23

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, we are going to Read and write using Eagle Rock.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 11.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Textbook
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to finish chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26---Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Tuesday, March 27----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Eagle Rock Journal Entry 1/2 Page in length due Tuesday, March 27

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to read ans do a writing activity connected to the book. We are also going to review for grammar in 5th and check the grammar for sixth.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Eagle Rock
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for double LA, we are doing a variety of things.

Please Bring:
1. Narrative
2. Eagle Rock
3. Word Study Folder

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 23---Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Tuesday, March 27----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 85-102, Monday, March 26

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be doing more grammar review, read Eagle Rock, resubmit the narrative and if time permits, doing a really fun writing lesson:)

Please Bring:
1. Newly printed narrative and RUBRIC
2. WN
3. Eagle rock
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning Continued........

This morning for social studies, we are going to an assembly in the MC. Our guest speaker is going to give a presentaion on slavery.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are going to do a double science. Mrs. Brown is going to do an awesome lab with all of you, and I think you are going to love it! If you have an ipad, or laptop, I recommend that you bring it this morning. We have an awesome social studies assembly after lunch today.

Please Bring:
1. Science Binder
2. Writing Utensil

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22--- Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Tuesday, March 27----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 54-85, Friday, March 23
4. Narrative Rubric 2nd Final due on Friday, March 23

Social Studies:
1. None


For science you are going to watch a discover learning video on Movement and solar system.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Morning Assembly

For the assembly about coal, you do not need anything.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good morning!

This morning we start the day with 5th LA and 6th Math. In fifth LA, we are going to review for the grammar quiz on Monday.

Please Bring:
1. Grammar Cards--- if you do not have them, no worries:-)
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil
4. Eagle Rock

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday, March 21 homework

angauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Monday, March 26----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 54-85, Friday, March 23
4. Narrative Rubric 2nd Final due on Friday, March 23

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Morning Continues.....

Disney Park Challenge Results.

Congrats!!!! We were 2nd in the state!!!!

Good Morning!

This morning the 6th graders start with LA and the 5th begin with math. I will go through the rest of the schedule when we meet....

For LA, we are going to read Eagle Rock and work on the Narrative.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. Binder
3. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday, March 20 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. 5th Grade Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz On Monday, March 26----
2. New R & E & Reading Log April 23
3. Read Eagle Rock pages 54-85, Friday, March 23
4. Narrative Rubric 2nd Final due on Friday, March 23

Social Studies:
1. ISN Pages 58-60 due Wed. March 21

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to do grammar, Read Out of My Mind, attend the Book Fair, and get the narrative rubric.

Please Bring:
5th Only Grammar Packet
1. Word Study folder
2. Binder
3. Eagle Rock
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

Finishing chapter 10 for SS.

Please Bring:
1. SS Stuff

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 19 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. New R & E & Reading Log Monday April 23
2. 6th Grade Only Grammar Quiz tomorrow 3/20
3. 5th Grade Only Grammar Quiz, Monday, March 26

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for Langauge arts, we are going to finish R & Es.

Please Bring:
1. R & E

Good Morning!

This morning for double LA, we are going to be doing R & E s.

Please Bring:
1. R & E
2. Reading Log

Monday, March 19

Good Morning!

This morning we are doing Beezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19
2. Read to page 53 in Eagle Rock--- by Tuesday
3. Grammar Quiz on Tuesday, March 20

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to read Eagle Rock, Out of My Mind and look at and practice portfolos for conferences. You will also be handing in your narratives. If time permits, we will do a small writing activity.

Please Bring:
1. Eagle Rock
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. GEO Terms
5. Writing Utensil

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15 Homework

Langauge Arts:
1. Portfolio Digital Backpack due Tomorrow, March 16
2. Narrative Revised Final Draft Due Tomorrow, March 16---Please print a hard copy of this by tomorrow afternoon
3. Grammar and Quiz Tuesday, 20
4. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to have work time to finish up a whole bunch of pending assignments.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Grammar
3. Writing Utensil
4. Binder
5. Eagle Rock
6. R & E Book

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are working on Chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. GEO Terms
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Conference Digital BP due Friday, March 16
2. Grammar Packet due Tuesday, March 19--- Grammar Quiz on this day as well
3. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19
5. Final Revised Narrative due Friday, March 16

Social Studies:
1. Geo Terms due tomorrow, March 15

1. Spirit Week ---Tomorrow is twin day

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, you are going to get work time to catch up on a few things. We are also going to draw for our basketball picks.

Please Bring:
1. WN/Narrative
2. Grammar Packet
3. Eagle Rock Book
4. Silent Reading Book
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

this morning for social studies we will begin chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. Spiral NB
2. SS Text
3. ISN
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12---- Homework

Language Arts:
1. All Basketballs due Wednesday, March 14--- this was optional
2. Grammar Packet due Monday, March 19
3. R & E & Reading Log due Monday, March 19
4. Narrative Revisions oppossite Grade Level due Wednesday, March 14
5. Final Revised Narrative due Friday, March 16

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Spirit Week ---Tomorrow is Sports day

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to be reading, completing a journal entry and getting new grammar (an review for the test scheduled for March 20-- More information to follow.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WS Folder
3. Journal Prompt Packet
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class, we are going to do LA. We will be revising your narratives, taking the spelling test and we will read Eagle Rock.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Binder
3. Computer
4. Writing Utensil

good Morning!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8 Homework

Language Arts:
1. 6th Only----Read Chapter's 2-6 in Eagle Rock, by Monday, March 12
2. Spelling & Test Due Monday, March 12
3. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
4. Narrative Revisions due Thursday, March 15

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Digital Backpack Portfolio Reflections due Thursday, March 15--- You will have time in class as well, but in case you want the directions for this, they are posted to the Wiki under Digital Backpacks.

2. 6th Only---- Make sure that you bring a sack lunch tomorrow with disposable items only for the fieldtrip.

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to continue with Narrative Revisions and begin writing portfolio reflections.

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. Writing Utensil
3. Eagle Rock

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to be taking the chapter 9 test.

Please Bring:
1. Writing Utensil
2. ISN
3. SS Text
4. Something quiet to do

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Oppossite Gender Digital Revisions due Thursday, March 8
2. Spelling and Test due Monday, March 12
3. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
4. Basketball March Madness continues............

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 9 Test is tomorrow, Thursday, March 8

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon, we really are going to work on Narrative Revisions. We are also going to read Eagle Rock.

please Bring:
1. WN
2. Eagle Rock
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for SS, we are going to begin chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to begin chapter 10.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Spelling Due on Monday, March 12
2. R & E & Reading Log 3/19
3. Continue Reading for Basketballs:-)

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 9 Test on Thursday, March 8

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for language arts, we are going to grade our grammar packets and finally look at our Narrative revisions on the Wiki. We will also read the new novel, Eagle Rock

Please Bring:
1. Grammar Packet--- Only if I do not already have it:)
2. Binder
3. WN
3. Writing Utensil
5. Eagle Rock

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to complete the review.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5---Homework

Language Arts:
1. Spelling Due Monday, March 12 and Test
2. R & E & Reading Log Due 3/19
3, March Madness has begun--- Read, Read, Read and get those basketballs signed.

Social Studies:
1. Chapter Test 9 test on Thursday. You will compete the review tomorrow

Good Afternoon!

Reading Day Continues.......................

Good Afternoon!

Reading Day Continues.......................

Happy Reading Day Everyone!!!!!

Bring All fun reading items:)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 3/19
2. 5th Only-- Grammar Packet due Tuesday, March 6---extended

Social Studies:
1. SS Review due Monday, March 5

Please make sure that you read the info below. And come readu to read on Monday for the launch of March Madness!!!!!

We just wanted to let you know we are going to celebrate Read Across America Day on Monday. Your child should come prepared for a day full of reading fun. They can bring in books to read, sleeping bags, pillows & blankets to be comfy, and they can wear their Pajamas if they would like. We will have plenty of silent reading time, read alouds, and we will introduce a new traveling book activity developed by the BCS green team. There will be math classes on Monday.

We are also collecting gently used books to donate to a school in Belize. Please have your child bring in one book they would be willing to donate.

Thank you,

Brown/Fitz/Bodle Team

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for LA, were going to continue with Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. Silent Reading Book
2. WN
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for class. 5th---Good Luck Battleing---- Non battlers are with Mrs. Brown all morning! 6th-- you are with me for Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. 6th---WN and Writing Utensil
2. 5th---science Materials

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, Homework

Language Arts:
1. Work on practicing criterion---optional
2. R & E & Reading Log 3/19
3. 5th only grammar pages 35-39

Social Studies:
1. None

1. Bring in your typed sentence requested by Mr. Hartley by tomorrow

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for langauge arts, we are going to an author's visit in the MC.

Please Bring:
1. Nothing

Good Morning!

This morning for social studies, we are going to create the chapter 9 review.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!!!!


Please Bring:
1. Bee Supplies