Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, 2/10/15

-Ms. Leach's email is: al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Language Arts

Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your Reader's and Writer's Notebooks and an appropriate writing utensil to class every day.
1. Due today: none
2. In class: Book Club Preparation - Physical Setting versus Emotional Atmosphere.
3. Homework:
-DUE FRIDAY: Final Literary Essay - typed, printed, posted to Wiki.
(Be sure to also complete the Author Revisions Checklist in your packet and grade yourself using the attached Rubric)
-Every night: Read 30 minutes and complete READING LOG with parent signature

Social Studies
1. Due today: None
2. In class: Finish Chapter 14: Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro. Read together to discover the truth behind each of the artifacts we made predictions about last week. Record your notes in ISN 102-106. Discuss whether or not your predictions were accurate. NOTE: We also had a class discussion about ensuring that our ISN notes are our very best work. These will be very important, so class time was given to perfect them as needed.
3. Homework:
-Ensure that all Chapter 13/14 ISN notes are perfected - due tomorrow.
-Current Events News Report Presentation due 1/21/15-2/12/15
- Check the Social Studies Wiki page for more information. http://fitz-brown14.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Social+Studies+Workshop

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