-Ms. Leach's email is: al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us
-Choice Hour Forms due Monday, 3/30/15
Language Arts
Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your BOOK CLUB MATERIALS (novel, folder, Reader's Notebook).
1. Due today: Book Club Day 10 Reading
2. In class: Historical Fiction Book Clubs (READING DAY 13) - Finish all reading independently. Group Discussions - Discuss the themes of your novel and record as claims on your "Important Ideas" page. Finalize your Book Club Folder notes (See Literacy Workshop Wiki for requirements)
3. Homework:
-March R&E due Monday, 3-30-15
-Book Club Folders will be turned in on Tuesday, 3/31/15 (See Literacy Workshop Wiki for requirements)
-Every night: Read 30 minutes and complete READING LOG with parent signature - Logs due each Monday
Social Studies
1. Due today: ISN 132-134
2. In class: Continue Chapter 19: Geography of Ancient China - Finalize the Geography of Ancient China project and poster. Work as a group to complete the Reading Notes on ISN 136-140 (use your poster and textbook as resources of information for this).
3. Homework:
-ISN 136-140 due Monday, 3/30/15
-Current Events Round 3 due 3/23/15-4/22/15 - Check SS Wiki for your due date
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