-Ms. Leach's email is: al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us
-Birbery Book Club - Monday, February 2, during your recess period in the Media Center.
Language Arts
Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your Reader's and Writer's Notebooks and an appropriate writing utensil to class every day.
1. Due today: None
2. In class: Literary Essay Unit - Introductory Paragraph. Dissect mentor texts' intros to see what components they have: Related "real-world" information, brief summary, and claim. Read Ms. Leach's example from Poppy. Highlight each "section" of this paragraph to make sure it contains all three of the required parts. Discuss why the summary is so brief and why it only focuses on specific portions of the story. Apply this practice to your own Literary Essay by writing a rough draft of your Introductory Paragraph in the rough draft packet following the guidelines we discussed (finish this for homework).
Continue working on new grammar lessons/practice (not homework).
3. Homework:
-DUE TOMORROW: Introductory Paragraph (if you didn't finish in class).
-DUE TOMORROW: Book Club Selection Sheet with parent signature.
-Every night: Read 30 minutes and complete READING LOG with parent signature
Social Studies
1. Due today: None
2. In class: Continue Chapter 13: Geography and Early Settlement of India. Settlement Activity in groups. Begin working on ISN 98, including Processing paragraph on separate piece of paper. Finish for homework.
3. Homework:
-DUE TOMORROW: Finish ISN 98, including Processing paragraph
-Current Events News Report Presentation due 1/21/15-2/12/15 - Check the Social Studies Wiki page for more information. http://fitz-brown14.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Social+Studies+Workshop
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