Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, 1/20/15

-Ms. Leach's email is: al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us
-This Friday is the end of the quarter. It will be a half day and school will end at 11:30am

Language Arts
Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your Reader's and Writer's Notebooks and an appropriate writing utensil to class every day.
1. Due today: 3 Pieces of Evidence for Literary Essay
2. In class: Literary Essay Unit - Elaborating on Evidence. Partner work on three pieces of evidence that were due today. Work together to edit/change pieces of evidence as needed. Class discussion on what it means to elaborate. Use the mentor literary essay examples to see how authors elaborate on evidence by providing specific details from the story. Explain the difference between paraphrasing and quoting. Begin working on your body paragraphs - start with the general idea for each piece of evidence and then elaborate using details from the story.
3. Homework:
-DUE TOMORROW: Spelling #5
-DUE THURSDAY: 3 body paragraphs that each include one piece of evidence with elaboration.
Be sure to include the general idea of the evidence as the first sentence for each paragraph, and then add a few sentences of elaboration to each piece of evidence (details from the story). This should all be done on the "Elaboration" page of your Writer's Notebook that we started today.
-READ for 40 Book Challenge - 30 minutes every night
-January R&E due 1/26/15

Social Studies

1. Due today: Signed Chapter 11&12 Study Guide
2. In class: Chapter 11&12 Test
3. Homework:
-Current Events News Report Presentation due 1/21/15-2/12/15
- Check the Social Studies Wiki page for more information. http://fitz-brown14.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Social+Studies+Workshop

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