-Ms. Leach's email is: al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us
Language Arts
Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your Reader's and Writer's Notebooks and an appropriate writing utensil to class every day.
1. Due today: None
2. In class: Continue Literary Essay unit. Analyze the outline of Literary Essays using the mentor texts. Begin thinking about what THEME you will focus on for your own Literary Essay.
3. Homework:
-Every Night: During your nightly 30 minutes of reading, continue to jot Theories, Evidence, and Signposts in your Reader's Notebook. Ms. Leach will be checking Reader's Notebooks in this week to see how much progress you've made.
-READ for 40 Book Challenge
-January R&E due 1/26/15
Social Studies
1. Due today: Chapter 12 Key Content Terms
2. In class: Continue Chapter 12 - World Religions: Judaism. Participate in the "Preserve and Pass Along" activity. Read 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4 as a class. Begin working on Reading Notes on ISN 84-87. We will continue to work on these in class tomorrow.
3. Homework:
-Current Events News Report Presentation due 1/21/15-2/12/15 - Check the Social Studies Wiki page for more information. http://fitz-brown14.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Social+Studies+Workshop
NOTE: The Chapter 11&12 Test will be Tuesday, 1/20/15
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