Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, Homework

Language ARts:
1. R & E & Reading Log--- Jan 7

Social Studies:
1. None

Social Studies

for social studies, we are going to check in all of the pages for chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. SS Chapter 9 packet
2. Chapter 9 Practice Assessment
3. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to focus on Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Book
3. Writing Utensil

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, Dec 20

Language Arts:
1. 1st Criterion Submission due Friday 12/21
2. R & E & Reading Log 1/07

Social Studies:

1. White Elephant Gift due Tomorrow

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do Criterion.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book.
4. Writing Utensil
5. Sticky Notes from Yesterday

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, there has been a change of plans.  Because Criterion is acting up and I am out because Erin is sick, we are doing Reader's WS.  We will finish Criterion tomorrow.  I will definitely be back tomorrow.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, Dec 18 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 1/7

Social Studies:
1. Chapter 9 Packet due Thursday, Dec 20

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon in SS, we are going to continue with chapter 9.  Please Bring.....

Please Bring:
1. All SS Materials

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are doing FITZassys:-)

Please Bring:
1. WN
2. RN with yesterday's journal entry
3. Writing Utensil
4. Book

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, Dec. 17 homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due 1/7
2. Building Theories Journal Entry due Tuesday, Dec 18

Social Studies:
1. GEO Terms for chapter 9 --definition only---- due Tuesday, Dec 18

• social pyramid
• social class
• status
• noble
• peasant
• afterlife
• hieroglyph

1. Bring you White Elephant Party gift by Friday, Dec 21

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Binder
4. GEO Log
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to be doing Reader's and WS, using Wonder and your own personal book and sticky notes.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, Dec 14--- Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Jan 7

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to check in our chapter 7 pages.  We will also start with chapter 9 if time permits.

Please Bring:
2. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

SPELLING BEE:-) and Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Writing Utensil

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Jan 7

Social Studies:
1. Practice Assessment 7 due Friday, Dec 14

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 9.

Please Bring:
1. all SS supplies

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do writing ws.  Fitzays!!!!

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, Dec 12--- Homework

Language arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due Jan 7

Social Studie:
1. ISN Pages 53-58 due Thursday, Dec 13---- if not done in class---- most finished

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we will begin to wrap up chapter 7.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. GEO Log
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, you will be handing in your narratives, we will be reading Wonder and starting essay writing.

Please Bring:
1. Printed Narrative
2. RN
3. WN
4. Writing Utensil
5. Binder

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, Dec 11 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Final printed draft of your narrative due Wed. Dec 12--- Please remember to double space, use the font--- Times New Roman and 12pt font
2. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1.  None 

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to continue with chapter 7.

Please Bring:
All SS Stuff

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts we are going to do reader's ws.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, Dec 10--- Homework

Language Arts:
1. "Influence" Sticky notes----7 total----- 6th pink and 5th green due Tuesday, Dec 11
2. Final printed draft of your narrative due Wed. Dec 12--- Please remember to double space, use the font--- Times New Roman and 12pt font
3. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1.  None 

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going  to begin chapter 7.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. GEO Log
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do reader's WS.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, Dec 7 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Peer and your own personal revisions due Wed. Dec 12
2. Final printed draft of your narrative due Wed. Dec 12
3. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1. Unit 2 Mapping Lab due Monday, Dec 10 if not done in class.  Page 50 in the ISN 

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to do our mapping lab.

Please Bring:
1. ISN
2. SS Text
3. Geo Log
4. Writing Utensil

Good Morning!

Today, we are going to work on narrative revisions.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to do reader's ws.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. WN
3. Book
4. Writing Utensil

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, Dec. 5 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Narrative Peer Revisions due Thursday, Dec 6----
2. New R & E and Reading Log due Jan. 7

Social Studies:
1. None



R & E

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, Dec 4 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading Log due tomorrow Dec 5
2. Narrative Peer Revisions due Thursday, Dec 6----

Social Studies:
1. None

Good Afternoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to take our Unit One Test.

Please Bring:
1. You GEO Terms Packet to hand in
2. Something quiet to work on in case you finish early.  Maybe toyr R & E to work on????

Good Morning!

This morning for our short class, we are all going to do mulit-age LA.  We are going to focus on Wonder.

Please Bring:
1. RN
2. Writing Utensil

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, Dec 3 Homework

Language Arts:
1. R & E & Reading due 12/05
2. Narrative Peer digital Revisions due Thursday Dec 6

Social Studies:
1. Unit One Test is Tuesday Dec 4
2. GEO Terms due Tuesday Dec 4

1. Fitz Homeroom is in charge of the clean sweep for character ed this week.  We are partnered with Huff.  We are Cleaning Monday and Wednesday and splitting the job on Friday.

Good Aftenoon!

This afternoon for social studies, we are going to do a clicker review.

Please Bring:
1. GEO Log
2. Unit 1 Review
3. SS Text
4. Binder
5. Writing Utensil

good Morning!

This morning for language arts, we are going to peer revise our narratives.

Please Bring:
1. Narrative
2. RN
3. WN
4. Book
5. Binder
6. Writing Utensil