Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday, 2/27/15

-Ms. Leach's email is:

Language Arts
Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your BOOK CLUB MATERIALS (novel, folder, Reader's Notebook).
1. Due today: None
2. In class: Historical Fiction Book Clubs (READING DAY 1) - Set up folders and discuss all resources/assignments. Begin reading your novel with a focus on Setting/Emotional Atmosphere. Record Book Club Reading Log, Setting, and Signposts. (Check Book Club Wiki for chapters read).
3. Homework:
-Finish Book Club DAY 1 Reading
if not done in class.
-Spelling #6 due next Wednesday, 3/4/15
-Every night: Read 30 minutes and complete READING LOG with parent signature - Logs due each Monday

Social Studies
1. Due today: ISN 110-111
2. In class: Finish Chapter 15 - Hinduism. Chapter 15 Processing on ISN 112. Short review video.
3. Homework:
-Finish ISN 112 if not done in class.

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