Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, 12/2/14

Ms. Leach's email is: al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Language Arts

Bring a "just right" silent reading book to class every day. Also bring your Reader's and Writer's Notebooks and an appropriate writing utensil to class every day.
1. Due today: Novel check-in - must have novel at beginning of class.
2. In class: Today was a day to read silently and continue collecting Theories, Evidence, and Signposts from our SRBs. We will continue this tomorrow, and work on some more in-depth writing pieces on Thursday and Friday.
3. Homework:
-Every Night: During your nightly 30 minutes of reading, continue to jot Theories, Evidence, and Signposts in your Reader's Notebook.
-Spelling #3 Due Wednesday, 12/3/14

-We are having Spelling City login issues. Please only work on your word sort and study your words using any method you choose (flash cards, quiz yourself, have a parent quiz you, etc.)
-UPDATE as of yesterday: SpellingCity seems to be back up and running. Please test your login and password TONIGHT. Let Ms. Leach know via email if you are still receiving an error message when you attempt to login.
-December R&E due Tuesday, 12/16/14
-READ for 40 Book Challenge

Social Studies
1. Due today: None
2. In class: We did not have Social Studies today due to the Character Connections afternoon activities.
3. Homework:
-Finish ISN 48-50 if not done in class - DUE TOMORROW.
-Current Events/News Report due 11/17-12/12 (check the Wiki for your date).

Please check the wiki for details:

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